Anne Voigt
Anne Voigt is a German journalist, psychologist and yoga teacher. When she was 19 years old she started hosting her own radio show for a private broadcasting station. Later she studied communications and social sciences and worked as a radio presenter for public radio. At the same time, she discovered yoga and did a three-year teacher training. After 17 years of professional experience in journalism, she completed an additional degree in psychology.
To satisfy her endless curiosity, Anne has traveled around the world many times to indulge in her great love: asking questions. What does it mean to be human, and how to be of service to each other and the world? These are examples of the kind of questions she likes to ask. Naturally is Anne’s favorite journalistic genre the interview. She is fascinated by the directness and immediacy of it. And certainly, by the guests she is interviewing.
In several radio shows Anne has interviewed a vast number of musicians, filmmakers and writers – mainly having conversations about their work. However, after a longer stay at San Francisco Zen Center, she realized that her real wish was to ask artists as well as spiritual thinkers and scientists life’s bigger questions. Anne and her guests talk about wisdom, social courage, joy and how we can connect more meaningfully with one another. Being a yoga teacher as well as a Zen and Vipassana practitioner herself, she is interested in spiritual practices of all kinds of traditions and their transformative power on ourselves and the people around us.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”, asked the American poet Mary Oliver. In every conversation, Anne and her guest try to find new, vital answers to this intriguing question.
The Podcast Anne Voigt can be found on iTunes.